Bell Criminal Lawyers

Brand rescue for a start-up law firm

logo designer in perth

When tasked with the project, Bell Criminal Lawyers faced the challenge of possessing a logo but lacking a cohesive brand identity. The goal was to construct a new brand image around the existing design that would resonate with their audience in both Gold Coast and Brisbane.

In addressing this challenge, I devised a clever solution. We decided to complement the elongated 'B' in the brand mark by re-stacking the logo, aligning it to the left. This strategic adjustment allowed us to establish a consistent layout structure for all collateral, presenting information in a single-column format.

Delving into color psychology, we took inspiration from their customers' experiences and aimed to capture the emotions clients feel under Bell Criminal Lawyers' guidance. This led us to create a brand palette that not only mirrored the client experience but also reflected the nuanced feelings associated with their legal support.


Baja Group

