Lexi Crouch

Designing a personal brand

perth logo design

Lexi Crouch, a nutritionist, author, and influencer, embarked on a journey with me to solidify her personal brand identity.

Our collaboration initiated with a meticulous brand discovery phase, delving into Lexi's core values, mission, and unique attributes. Through in-depth consultations, we identified key elements that would resonate with her audience and reflect her expertise. Moving into the design process, we crafted a variety of concepts encapsulating Lexi's holistic approach to health and wellness. Each concept was a visual manifestation of her philosophy, integrating elements that mirrored her commitment to balanced living and nutritional excellence. Lexi actively participated in refining the concepts, ensuring the final deliverables truly encapsulated her essence.

The final delivery of assets, including a striking logo, versatile brand elements, and cohesive visual guidelines, empowered Lexi to authentically connect with her audience across various platforms, solidifying her presence as a trusted figure in the nutrition and wellness space.


South Burnett Physiotherapy


Pelle Skincare