Pelle Skincare

Rewriting the age-old story

Logo and brand identity

Introducing Pelle: a skincare brand that's pro-ageing gracefully and candidly frank about the age-old story of women pressured to look and be a younger version of themselves.

Woman over 40 aren't slowing down, instead they're living their best lives and we thought it would be important to reflect that. The branding for Pelle uses a bold and energetic combination of red and pink paired with a wordmark that reflects movement and vibrancy through the wavy bowl and eyes of the letters. Each product is represented by a circle with a different edge texture with further brings a sense a movement and energy, but also communicates what the project does; smooths, exfoliates, reduces etc. We even created a pattern from wrinkles and smiling creased eyes and mouths.

Pelle is on a mission to rewrite the age-old story and create a brand that embraces ageing and everything that comes with it.

Brand identity

A strong brand identity helps build recognition, establishes credibility, and connects emotionally with the target audience. We developed a brand identity for Pelle that focused on movement, energy and liveliness. The custom word-mark is complimented by a vivid red and pink palette to show that women in their 40’s aren’t slowing down, but doing the exact opposite.


We created a custom set of illustrations that formed a pattern for the companies fabric satchels which each item is wrapped in. The pattern features wrinkles and creases around the eyes and lips in a fun and eye-catching arrangement.

Print & digital assets

Print and digital assets are essential components of Pelle's marketing and communication strategy. We created a series of billboards using the bold but minimal colour palette, strong imagery and intriguing copy that put Pelle in the face of audiences.

What we did


Lexi Crouch


Aussie Helpers