St Josephs’ Nudgee College

Giving Day video shoot

perth freelance photographer

Setting an ambitious goal for their second Giving Day, St Joseph’s Nudgee College aimed to raise $200k in support of the Jack Ross Bursary. Faced with the challenge of standing out among numerous worthy causes, the objective was to inspire potential donors to contribute, providing deserving boys with a future at Nudgee College.

Working with Sabio, I conceptualised a compelling solution: a powerfully emotive video that would showcase the life-changing experiences of Nudgee Old Boy, Stu, and Jack Ross Bursary recipient, George. The narrative not only highlighted their individual journeys but also emphasised Nudgee's tight-knit community and its commitment to offering life-long support to its young men and 'Old Boys.' This approach aimed to underscore the unique and special schooling experience that sets Nudgee College apart. The video became a key tool in conveying the impact of donations and resonating with potential donors on a personal and emotional level.

Art direction, project management and interview for St Josephs’ Nudgee College.


Aussie Helpers


Baja Group