Aussie Helpers

Multi-day brand video shoot

Perth graphic designer

In collaboration with Aussie Helpers, one of Australia's prominent farming charities and Sabio, I undertook a comprehensive two-day video and photo shoot project aimed at capturing the essence of the organisation's 21-year journey in providing direct support to farmers and fostering enduring connections within rural communities across the country.

From the project's initiation, I closely collaborated with the managing director of Aussie Helpers to gain insights into her vision and goals for the shoot. Drawing upon this understanding, I identified the ideal videographer to translate her vision into a stunning visual narrative.

Given the project's scope involving multiple individuals and farmers, meticulous planning was crucial. I strategically organised a two-day shoot, coordinating with farmers for convenient interview times. Alongside interviews, extensive B-roll footage was captured for both the main video and Aussie Helpers' social media. Serving as an additional photographer, I documented impactful moments and staged shots showcasing charity support. Post-shoot, I edited images and collaborated with the videographer for compelling narratives. The result was a powerful 4-minute video and shorter snippets, enhancing Aussie Helpers' social media outreach for their impactful work in rural Australia.

Art direction, project management and creative ideation for Aussie Helpers.


Pelle Skincare


St Josephs Nudgee College